Morgan Fache

Morgan Fache became an independent photographer in 2012, after training at the École des Métiers de l’Information (School of information professions) in Paris. He developed a documentary photographic practice focused on a societal and humanistic approach.

He often works on long-term projects, with a marked preference for treating inequalities and community issues. He has carried out photographic projects for a number of non-governmental organisations such as the Abbé Pierre foundation, the OICEM (International Organisation against modern slavery), the Apprentis d’Auteuil, Coalition + and AIDS International. Having settled in Reunion several years ago, he is particularly interested in cultural and social issues arising on this island territory still marked by the scars of colonialism. 

Since 2012, Morgan Fache has also been a member of the collective body ITEM. This federation of professional photographers defends a modern approach to the image, by examining new forms of expression. Bringing together ten or so members, the structure, with its headquarters in Lyon, manages a venue for exhibitions and education in the field of the image and regularly organises photographic workshops. 

Morgan Fache has exhibited his work since 2014, through individual and collective exhibitions. His photographs have also been published in newspapers or magazines such as Le Monde, Libération, Le Nouvel Obs, Asean Globe, Le Monde Diplomatique, Géo Magazine, Paris Match, Jeune Afrique, Le Pèlerin Magazine, La Croix, etc.