The art gallery library 

The library of the art gallery houses documentary resources aimed in priority at the scientific staff of the art gallery. Documents specialised in art history are available to the public and the library welcomes researchers, students, teachers and members of the public carrying out research based on relevant documents and books.

The library houses monographs on artists and exhibition catalogues, as well as general works and catalogues raisonnés. The fields covered mainly correspond to the important axes of the permanent collections of the art gallery: 19thcentury and early 20thcentury drawings, paintings, sculpture, as well as the artists whose work is on display. 

The library regularly adds to its stock of documents through purchases, gifts and a policy of exchange of publications with national and international galleries and museums.

The classification used is in accordance with the general recommendations of the Dewey indexing. 

Available on appointment, access to the library’s resources is free of charge. Documents may not be removed from the library.

Appointments by telephone:  0262 20 24 82
By email: