Teachers wishing to organise more detailed projects in collaboration with art gallery staff can contact the mediation department. 

Documentation on the collections, history and architecture of the art gallery is available on request.

Pedagogical tools for teachers, enabling children to discover the collections through play, are available from the art gallery reception desk.  

Reception and visits for school groups free of charge for both children and accompanying adults.

Booking with indication of time slot is essential.


Please contact the mediation department

Mondays to Fridays 8 AM to 4 PM.
0262 20 24 82

Preparing your visit

The art gallery offers tools for teachers to help prepare the visit

● Reception leaflet

This document gives practical information for visiting the museum and understanding how the collections are presented 

● Room cards

To be consulted on the spot, they are aimed at adult visitors wishing to obtain further information concerning the history of the art gallery and its collections  

● Documentary cards

Aimed at teachers presenting art history in schools

● Présentation file 

À destination des enseignants, il concerne le parcours permanent et l'exposition temporaire en cours.

imed at teachers, it concerns the permanent collection and temporary exhibition being held.

This can be completed by the pedagogical files which present the two main topics covered during visits: The portrait and The landscape. 

Types of visit

Two types of school visits are possible:

 ●  Free visits

The pupils discover the art gallery’s collections with their teachers. 

● Guided tours

The mediation department of the art gallery organisers guided tours, from Tuesdays to Fridays from 9:30 AM to 3 PM.

Three topics are proposed :  

● My first visit to the museum 

Discovery visit of the permanent exhibition adapted to the age of school group 

● Portraits and landscapes in the collections of the art gallery

The definitions of the two artistic genres and their evolution

● Guided visit of the temporary exhibition being held

Supports for the visit

● Activity booklet 

An activity booklet for young members of the public (6-11 y.o.), with a questionnaire, encourages them to describe their favourite work exhibited, find the odd man out and spot the details in a work of art. Children visit the art gallery, observe and discover the works exhibited. 

● Colouring activities 

Inside the exhibition rooms, with coloured pencils available to them, children can colour a selection of portraits, landscapes and still lifes. This activity can also he carried out in class before or after the visit of the art gallery.

● Spot the detail 

Children can have fun spotting the detail of a painting or sculpture on the basis of the piece of a puzzle

Subsidised transport

The Departmental Council of Reunion finances rental of a means of transport for any visit to a cultural structure in Reunion, limited to :

˃   300 € maximum per year and per school for a « discovery visit »

˃   600 € maximum per year and per school for a « project visit » 

All first level (primary) schools and second level (high school) establishments, public or private, involved in one of these projects are eligible for this subsidy.

Documents utiles

Preliminary visits

The mediation department organises preliminary visits for teachers.

These are organised at the art gallery on the first Wednesday of every month at 2 PM.

Booking compulsory with the mediation department.